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COVID-19 Watcher
16 marca 2020
If you have an Atari ST connected to the Internet, you may now track the coronavirus outbreak on your trusted old machine. COVID-19 Watcher is an app that displays the current (more or less…) number of infected, dead and cured cases. It should work with any TOS-compatible system, including TOS 1.0, MagiC or MiNT. Virtually any resolution and number of colors is supported, including all the ST display modes (mono and color), as well as those weird modes with non-square pixels you may use on Falcon.
The archive also contains a separate ColdFire version for the lucky Firebee users out there. The only requirement is an Internet connection — use STinG or GlueSTiK.

COVID-19 Watcher 1.0.2 running on an Atari 1040ST
The data should be updated daily and is provided by Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) via RapidAPI.
COVID-19 Watcher 1.0.2 Download: covid19watcher102.zip |
April 7, 2020: The new version (1.0.2) displays both global and country-specific statistics, makes it easier to choose the country and also displays certain additional data, such as the percent of the population infected or the change compared to the previous day.
If you are looking for a reliable information about the COVID-19 disease, see https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/index.html.